Sunday, 22 April 2012

To Blog Or Not To Blog...

Let me first start by recapping the last 5 years before I dive into this deep, philosophical question.

It's the same old story, really. Boy meets girl in Halifax. Boy persuades girl to move to Toronto with him. Boy and girl travel to South America. Boy proposes to girl on top of a mountain. Boy marries girl. Girl believes "The Rhythm Method" is a safe form of birth control. Boy and girl become pregnant and move back to Halifax.

So there we were, my husband and I on a date enjoying food, drinks, and adult conversation at The Brooklyn Warehouse while my mother babysat our 4 month old Sadie at home. As my blog title suggests, I have a perpetual stream of ants in my pants, and am struggling to find things to do that give me my independent "Sarah-time" while being a full-time mommy and house-wife. So we got on the topic of blogging...

Now, I've never considered myself a writer, nor am I even the least bit internet savvy, but I was delighted to think that when I've run out things to bake, clean, and when my undivided attention isn't needed by our little rug rat, that I could be creative and witty and have others listen to me ramble on about my day. Gadzooks! We're onto something here!

So welcome to my blog, friends, family, and fellow mommies. Sorry in advance for any grammatical errors you will encounter, as every post will most likely be typed one-handedly while Sadie feeds from/sleeps on my boobies. Enjoy!


  1. love it!!! I will wait with bated breath fo more entries AND pictures! you

  2. This is really good and I think you should write a book!

  3. Ha ha! I was face-stalking your hubby so I could check out pics of your adorable baby girl, and I discovered your blog! Love it, you are a highly entertaining writer Sarah! I too thought the rhythm method would work... and now I have two that are 15 months apart. You think I would've learned the first time!!? Keep up the great work :)

    1. Thanks Nat! We should get together for play date. Swap stories of our (unplanned) parenting adventures!
