Tuesday, 22 May 2012

We Salute You, Sleeping Baby

Long weekends are never long enough. "Pleeeeaaasee call in sick tomorrow" I begged my husband last night, the smell of BBQ and suntan lotion still fresh on my skin. Victoria Day Tuesday should be a statutory holiday too. Bah humbug.

Let us recap the weekend, shall we?

The weather was sublime. Blue skies, a light breeze, and the temperature hovering around 20-25ยบ. We barbequed, had a constant stream of visitors, and played with Sadie and our pup on the lawn 'til sundown every night.

We even squeezed in a family hike at The Bluff Trail. The trek is rugged enough to give mom and pop a workout (but safe enough to lug around your 5 month old) and TOTALLY worth the effort for the breathtaking views. Sadie had fun too, especially when her butt exploded and we had to change her on a rock. That kid's a trooper.

I also did some urban exploring Monday morning with the Sadester while Robin did some house/yard work (score!). Sadie loves meandering with mommy in her baby carrier. She vibrates with excitement from all the new colors and faces. We were walking around Halifax's Citadel Hill and just as Sadie was (finally) falling asleep in her stroller...KABOOM! Off goes a canon. Then 20 more. It appeared we had made it just in time for the Victoria Day 21-gun salute. A HUGE oversight by yours truly.

Now it's Tuesday. The bbq is covered, Robin's back to work, and Sadie and I are both still in our jammies at 4pm. Oh well. I suppose Canada Day is only 6 weeks away.

1 comment:

  1. I spent the weekend playing with my 3-year-old nephew Declan at the cottage. It was not near long enough, I agree! There never seems to be enough time to spend with family and friends (especially ones that live three provinces away - ya jerks ;). Enjoyed getting caught up on your posts, Foley. Love ya!
