You see, we don't get out much. Pre-Sadie, we socialized with the masses, drank beers in bars, and were hungover and useless the next morning. This lifestyle is difficult to maintain when you have a baby who wakes up at 5am and requires your undivided (and conscious) attention.

I should mention that these photos were taken a few months ago, before Sadie entered her EVERYTHING MUST GO IN MY MOUTH phase. Now we only start our games after her bedtime, which is coincidentally earlier on Catan nights .
For those of you that aren't familiar with Settlers of Catan, you're missing out. You need to buy this game and play it immediately! For those of you that don't like board games? You will like board games once you play Catan.
Catan Prospers!
Your dedication made not only my day but also my birthday!!!!! Thank you my lovely sister! I like your set up too, the pic of Sadie in her sun hat in the background was key!!!! :D